Friday, January 18, 2013

gun control and freedom

I think gun laws don't work because the people who commit gun related crimes don't listen to laws in the first place. The most they can do is limit gun sales and make it harder to get guns illegally. They can also limit how powerful the weapons are or how many powerful weapons they sell. They will never be able to say they won’t sell guns anymore it’s impossible it's in our constitution we have the right to bear arms but they can limit what they sell and I don't see a problem with this at all. This wouldn't stop gun violence like the Sandy Hook shooting but it would make it harder for the people who want to. Maybe they can find a way to track guns being sold illegally and maybe they can stop these shootings before they happen. Making new laws isn’t always easy and people will oppose it but some new laws are needed. On the other hand as mentioned before it is in our constitution we all have the right to bear arms it was put there for the American people to defend themselves from foreign or domestic threats. They cannot take this right away but they should limit it. I think limiting it would at least lower gun violence but not get rid of it all together that would be near impossible because when have criminals listened to the law.

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